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Join the Virtual Club!

Want to join the Pima Business Club?

Sign up by filling out the form below!

Covid - 19 updates

PCC has implemented new measures in response to COVID-19. Please be sure to review the latest college policies regarding this important matter by clicking on the following link:

The Pima Business Club is a student organization within Pima Community College. This means we follow all regulations and guidelines enacted by the college.

What Does This Mean for the Pima Business Club?

All PBC meetings will be conducted virtually for the Spring 2022 semester. This includes any and all events and activities we will partake in as a club.

How Will We Meet?

The PBC will hold virtual meetings on Google Meet every Monday @ 5:00pm. Please refer to the link below.

What If I Can't Attend Meetings?

We understand some PCC students may have schedule conflicts with virtual classes. We record all member meetings which are shared with registered members through email, the website, and a protected Google Drive folder. 

If you register to become a member you can stay up to date on all things PBC and participate from a distance even if you can't attend. 

I would like to...

(Post-meeting Recaps, Important Updates, Meeting Reminders/Invites, Job/Internship Opportunities)

Thank you for your submission.

If you joined the club WELCOME!

meeting Link shortcut 

Here is a meeting shortcut! Click the button below to join the meeting! Meetings are held every Monday @ 5:00pm through Google Meet.

Disclaimer :

All meetings may be recorded and shared among Pima Business Club members for educational purposes unless instructed to do otherwise by PCC department heads.


By joining this meeting you are agreeing to and thereby giving consent for us to record your interactions during meetings and to share them in an educational setting. You can turn off your camera or audio at anytime and still participate. 


For questions or concerns regarding privacy issues, please email us at anytime.

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